Was getekend:
Alejandro Monreal, PhD candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Alena Kamenshchikova, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Alexandru Soroiu, PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law
Ali Al-Saeedi, Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Alice Giannini, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Andreina De Leo, PhD Researcher, Faculty of Law
Andrés Cáceres, Research Fellow, Faculty of Law
Anna Razafindrahaba, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Ashley Thuthao Keng Dam, Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Asim Cengiz Akbulut, Head of Stem Cell Research University Maastricht, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Astrid Bastiaens, PhD researcher, Faculty of Law
Aurora Laura Mattea Canova, Tutor, Faculty of Law
Aysenur Arslan, Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Belén Gracia, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law
Bilisuma Dito, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Brigitte Le Normand, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Calvin Vella, Teacher, School of Business and Economics
Carijn Beumer, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Cecilia Schenetti, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Céline van Bilsen, PhD candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Christin Hoene, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Claartje Rasterhoff, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Art and Social Sciences
Clarissa Guidi, teacher, University College Maastricht
Crescenzo Pinto, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Danai Papathanasiou, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Danai Petropoulou Ionescu, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law & Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Dani Shanley, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Daniella Pauly Jensen, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Danielle Evenblij, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Debbie Markusse, Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Deni Kurban, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Eliza Steinbock, Full Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Emilie Sitzia, Associate Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Faisal Hamadah, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Felix Bui, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Fiona Borska, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Flora Lysen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Francesca Colli, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Freddy Schwoerer, Project Leader, School of Business and Economics
Fulvia Ristuccia, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Georgiana Kotsou, Post-doctoral Lecturer, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Giannis Mavrogenis, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Gonnie Klabbers, Lecturer and programme director MSc Global Health, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Gwen van der Wijk, Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Ibrahim Hashim, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Iga Skorupska, PhD candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Ilya Malafei, Lecturer, University College Maastricht
Indra Steens, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Ink Caanen, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Ioannis Petsas, Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Issam Alsamara, Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Jakub Ac, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Jay Simons, Creative Lab Technologist, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Job Heusschen, Tutor, University College Maastricht
Jochem van Atteveld, Teacher, Faculty of Law
John Parkinson, Professor of Social and Political Philosophy, Faculty of Arts and Social Science
Jonathan Schoen, Lecturer, University College Maastricht
Judith van Veldhuizen, Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Julia van Zijl, Lecturer, University College Maastricht
Kirsten Kluivers, Management Assistant, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Laudy van den Heuvel, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Laura Brouwers, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Leonie Hilß, Tutor, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Levin Stein, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Liam Siry, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Law
Liang-Kai Yu, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Lukasz Dziedzic, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Maartje Hensgens, Functional Manager Digital Testing, University Library
Mahardhika Sjamsoe’oed Sadjad, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Mahdi Enan, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Marc Boas, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Sociel Sciences
Mark Bakker, Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Marta Maroni, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Marta Poyo Solanas, Postdoctoral researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Maryam Aly, Tutor, Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Sciences
Masha Denisova, PhD candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Massimiliano Simons, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Mauro Giordano, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Meike Schols, Teacher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Micol Iannuzzi, Teacher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Miriam Meissner, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Nada Naguib, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Niamh Ní Loideáin, Teacher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Nina Stahl, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Nisali Perera, Teacher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Noah Littel, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Nozizwe Dube, PhD candidate, Faculty of Law
Olga Temina, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Pascalle Heijligenberg, PhD candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Pieter du Plessis, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Rene Gabriels, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Ricky Janssen, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Rikus van Eeden, Tutor, University College Maastricht
Robyn Ausmeier, Teaching Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Rónán Riordan, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Ryan Magdalena, Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Sara Atwater, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Sarah Anschütz, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Sarah Chenine, PhD candidate, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences
Sarah Tas, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law Saskia von Landenberg, Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Sophie Withaeckx, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Stephanie Blom, Tutor, University College Maastricht
Steven Kelk, Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering
Susana Carmona Castillo, Assistant Professor, University College Maastricht
Suvarnalata Xanthate Duggirala, Researcher, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Talitha Wilmsen, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Tara Küthe, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Timo Makori, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Tom Smejka, Lecturer, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Tonio Weidler, Research Fellow, Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience
Tricia Griffin, PhD Candidate, University College Maastricht
Tullio Viola, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Valentina Golunova, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law
Valentina Mazzucato, Professor, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Vanessa Bateman, Postdoc, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Vasiliki Belia, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciencess
Victoria van Heesewijk, Lecturer, Faculty of Law
Waldo Heugebaert, Tutor, University College Maastricht
Zakaria Al Shmaly, Researcher/PhD fellow, UNU-MERIT
Zeta Eirtree, Tutor, University College Maastricht